February 3, 2025
The more Rosy's, the merrier! Help raise funds for the sophomore class through this unique fundraising event. Contact a 10th grade student or Ms. Settles to order today through March 3rd. Checks can b. . .
January 29, 2025
Come support the Junior class fundraising effort and get some delicious pizza from a local business!
B-PC Education Foundation
Founded in 1999, the Bushnell-Prairie City Education Foundation provides support to the children and educators of the Bushnell-Prairie City School District by providing additional funding assistance for academic and extracurricular programs. The Bushnell-Prairie City Education Foundation holds fundraisers to support targeted areas of need.
For more details or further information about the organization, please contact the school.
Tax-deductible donations may be sent to Bushnell-Prairie City Public Schools Foundation, P. O. Box 94, Bushnell, IL 61422.
DIRECTORS John Spangler, President |
TRUSTEES Bambi Beekman |
Jill Olson |
B-PC Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Bushnell-Prairie Schools PTO encourages parents and volunteers to contribute and take part in this highly effective and much-needed program. Without volunteer assistance, our school would not be able to continue the highest quality of education we feel that students deserve, and which we strive for. Our school is dependent upon community participation and volunteers from not just parents, but other family and community members as well. It is our hope that our volunteers are as rewarded by their experience and contributions of their time as we are for having them.
Parents and volunteers help our classroom teachers with three classroom parties and several classroom projects throughout the school year. Classroom parties are scheduled for Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day. Dates will be announced. Depending upon the number of room volunteers, helpers may be asked to donate treats once, twice, or three times a year. Times of classroom parties and activities for the party will be determined by the students and their teachers
“Please note: Many of our grade levels schedule the Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine parties at the same time. In order to avoid confusion, we ask parents to refrain from volunteering as head room-parent for more than one child per year. You may continue to contribute to your other children's parties throughout the year.”
Bushnell Arts Foundation
The Bushnell Arts Foundation was founded in 1983 by Eileen and Carl Rauschert and is sponsored through Mid-West Control Products.
The Arts Foundation maintains a general goal of meeting the artistic needs of the community through art, music, drama and architecture. If you're interested in getting more information or have inquiries about donating, contact the school.
*Procedures surrounding volunteer opportunities are subject to change.
Elementary Volunteer Opportunities
Please be sure you complete a volunteer information and waiver of liability form along with your volunteer helpers form. Without the waiver form you will not be allowed to help.
Junior High Volunteer Opportunities
B-PC Junior High needs volunteers throughout the school year to help with programs and activities. If you would like to volunteer to help, please complete a volunteer information and waiver of liability form and submit it to B-PC Junior High.